SANDY THOMAS ADV. glinting rounded oval nails polished in a shade to match his lips in addition to his dress! There was no sign of boy here, only a pretty teenage girl!

She led him back out to the waiting area where more shocks were waiting. There, he saw two beautiful girls his age talking together, and at once he recognized them as Sam and Evan!

Evan look absolutely delectable! His blonde hair had dazzling highlights and was swept up into an elegant French Roll in back showing off his new gold earrings, and his face, with soft bangs, plucked eyebrows and skillful makeup, radiated a soft feminine glow.

Paul's greatest shock was when he saw Sam. They had cut his hair to a style that could only belong to a girls! It was a long pageboy that was cut shorter in back, then falling in ever-lengthening degrees to below chin level in front. And more, Sam's normally dark brown hair had been color enhanced to reflect bright red colors throughout.

Maybe he and Evan could change into boy's clothes, wash off the makeup, remove the nail polish, brush their hair back, and return to a normal guy's appearances, but there was no way that Sam could possibly hide his totally female hairdo! Until he had a radical haircut, Paul knew his friend would have an impossible time passing for a boy.

"Hi guys," Paul said weakly.

Sam looked somewhat distraught, as he looked at Paul and answered breathlessly, "Hi."

Evan; however, appeared relaxed and filled with confidence. "Hey! They did a great job on you guys!" he offered as a compliment.

"Thanks, you too," then, Paul stammered to his now auburn haired friend, "Sam, y. . .you look. . .different. I hardly recognized you."

"Yeah. .different is right!" Sam hissed through clenched teeth. "Look at this!" He exclaimed, taking a lock of his hair between two bright crimson tipped fingers. "They cut my hair into this style and dyed it red! This is no temporary look that I can change in three weeks unless I cut it all off!"


"That's okay, it'll grow back," Paul offered in consola-

copyright, 1995 BLONDE & BLONDER -35 "But, it took so long for it to grow out, and I had it just way I liked it. . .!"


Just then, they heard the door open and saw Joanne and Emma walk in. Not recognizing their sons, they almost bumped into Paul who was standing near the entrance. The two mothers looked at the three very attractive girls, and suddenly realized who they were.

With mixed emotions, Joanne looked at her son and gasp, "Oh my!" His hairdo, face, clothes, and especially his exceedingly feminine hairstyle and color made it difficult for her to think of him as a boy.

Emma looked at Paul and also thought that the level to which they had feminized his appearance was unbelievable!

All this time, Evan was cool, calm, and collected. He was an obvious natural. What else could one say? Not only was his appearance totally feminine, his personality and attitude seemed to have taken a completely girlish turn as well!

"Ah, bon jour ladies," Dominique purred graciously as she came over to greet the two mothers. "Your sons have matured into beautiful young women in just a few hours, oui?"

"They look amazing," Emma replied, finally recovering from the shock turned to Paul. "You will turn heads!"

Dominique bragged, "I would not want to be the judge of these contest. The choice is tres difficult!"

They offered Evan a ride home as his mother had to work, but he declined saying he wanted to do some window shopping on the way home.

Paul and Sam were aghast at his bravery.

In the car, Sam let off some steam. "Look at me! Is this what you planned?" he demanded from his mother. "If it is, you lied to me!"

She was surprised at his unusually assertive tone of voice with her, but realizing that he had ample reason to be angry, she answered, "No dear. I didn't plan this. You know Mr. Carlson pulled a fast one on us, and we had to alter our plans. I still think our strategy will beat him at his own little game." "Oh great, and in the meantime, I'll strut around in dresses and makeup with my hair in this feminine style. That